The thought of living tiny and traveling the United States is something that has appealed to me for years. I’m a bit of a minimalist anyways, so living in a small space isn’t something I shy away from. However, to most, even me, traveling and living in a van is a big challenge. I’ve thought about this challenging adventure for a long time now and want to explain why I chose this. Here are 12 reasons why I want to travel in a van.

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Reason 1: I Didn’t Want to Tow Anything (Like a Camper)

Now, you may be thinking, “if you want to travel and live on the road, why not just buy a camper?”. Believe me, I have thought of so many different vehicles and ways to travel the United States long term.

If you read my other blog post about why I chose a camper van to travel in, you’ll see my thought process over the years. You will also learn how and why I decided on the camper van I currently have.

The main reason for not getting a camper or building a tiny home on wheels is because I have no experience with towing something behind a vehicle. I also didn’t want to tow a camper all the time. The hassle of hooking and unhooking a camper and then having to worry about properly sitting up where ever I decide to stay seems dreadful to me. I know people do it every day but it’s just not something I am comfortable with and want to do.

Campers are great, don’t get me wrong. There are obviously pros and cons to every type of travel vehicle, RV, etc. However, for me, during this adventure, a camper van seems like the best fit.

Reason 2: The Van Will be Easier to Drive

Another reason why I want to travel in a van is because it will be easier for me to drive. As I mentioned above, I have no experience towing something behind a vehicle. So, for me, the idea of traveling with a camper was removed from my list of choices. With a smaller vehicle, like a van, I will be able to drive it much more safely and confidently.

Why I want to Travel in a Van

A quick Youtube search will show you that people are even living in their cars! So really, it all depends on what you’re comfortable driving and living in.

Reason 3: The Van Can Fit in a Parking Spot

Besides a van being easier to drive, it will also be easier to park. I plan to go to places that may have limited parking or only small areas to squeeze into. Therefore, I will be able to park in those spots with ease (hopefully) in my van because it is smaller than most RVs. Being able to park in parking space at attractions, buildings, restaurants, etc. will also be a major plus.

Reason 4: I Will Be Able to Travel Longer in a Van

Seeing more of the United States and meeting new people will be great! And by traveling the country in a van, I will be able to see more places and meet more people because I will be able to travel longer. I will be able to take my time and really explore and get to know an area, if I choose to do so because I won’t have to worry about hotel costs or be limited because of availability.

I don’t want to just drive through places and see a few attractions. If I like an area and would like to see more of it. I want to be able to stay around for a while.

Traveling and living in the van will provide that luxury of traveling longer and be more affordable, which leads me to the next reason why I want to travel in a van.

Reason 5: Traveling by Van Will be Cheaper Than Hotels Every Night

Staying in hotels every night while traveling can quickly become expensive. The cost of staying in a hotel (or AirBnB) can often be the reason why trips and vacations are limited to a short time frame. Traveling and living in a van will eliminate the need to stay in a hotel altogether because I will have everything I need right there in the van, therefore making travel expenses less.

Why I want to Travel in a Van

I understand, things will happen with vehicles and repairs are needed. However, overall, if long-term travel is something that is desired, then I believe that traveling and staying in a vehicle, RV, camper, etc. is the way to do it.

Reason 6: Traveling with My Dogs Will be Easier in a Van

Not only are hotels usually more expensive than traveling in a van, not all of them allow pets. I have two Corgis that will be traveling with me and it will be much easier to take them along with me on this journey, if they can stay where I stay.

I also think it will be a fun experience for my dogs. They both love to go on adventures and do well on car rides, so this should be an easy and exciting time for them as well. Plus, they will be a sense of security for me, since they love to bark at anything, ha!

The first 6 reasons basically explain why I chose a camper van to travel the United States in over anything else. But now, I want to share my deeper thoughts on why I chose to travel and live this way. 

Reason 7: I Want to See More of the Country

I am from (and live in) the United States and currently living in a small town on the east coast. I’ve lived along the east coast my entire life and have yet to see much of the country that I call home.

Why I want to Travel in a Van

For me, driving throughout the United States would be an incredible way to explore and see more of it. I will have the opportunity to drive as long as I want and stop and see any attractions that I decide to check out. You can’t do that as easily when traveling by plane.

Reason 8: I Want to Meet New People

Aside from exploring more of the country, I would also like to meet new people. As I said before, I am from a very small, rural town. I feel like most have similar experiences, views, and, opinions. Therefore, I just want to meet new people who have had different life experiences than I have had.

I feel that allowing yourself to be around new and different individuals makes you more openminded and understanding. Plus, how awesome is it to hear exciting and amazing stories from people that you might otherwise had never heard if you hadn’t met them?

I naturally have an introverted personality but I think that by traveling in the camper van, it will give (or force) me the confidence to go out and meet new individuals. And hopefully, I’ll make some lifelong friends along the way.

Reason 9: It’s All Mine

I have always lived in a home with other people. I am grateful that I’ve always had a home and people to share it with however, I have never had a space that was just my own.

Why I want to Travel in a Van

The van will be the first space that is all my own. I can make every decision about it and decorate it and live in it how I want. It’s overwhelming to think about at times but I love the thought that it’s all mine.

Reason 10: I Will Need a Constant

Because of all the traveling that I hope to do, I will be on the move a lot. If I were to try to travel like that and go from hotel to hotel, I fear that I would, well for one, run out of money quickly, and two, grow tired of constantly changing hotels and rooms. I would never feel settled.

Now, I know that by traveling fulltime, you’ve never really “settled”. However, even though my views and location may change daily, my home won’t have to in the camper van. The van will be my constant in an ever-changing lifestyle.

I think my dogs will also like having fun adventures daily but also having a safe and familiar place to come back to. 

Reason 11: I Want to Get Out of My Comfort Zone

As you know now, I grew up in a small town on the east coast. Small town life and the people who reside in it is all I know. I want, no need, to get out of my comfort zone and see more of my country and world!

It’s necessary to step out of our comfort zones and into something fresh and new sometimes. That’s how we learn and grow as individuals and that’s what I want to do. I need to grow and learn more and to do that, I must leave my comfort zone.

For me, that means leaving my comfortable world behind to explore the unknown, and I’m going to do that by traveling the country in a van.

Reason 12: I Need to Do Something Different with My Life

Last but not least, I want do something different. Think about the people you watch on tv or read about in books. They may just be ordinary people but they have done something different or interesting in their lives. They made big decisions to live differently or achieve big goals and dreams. Now, I’m not saying that I’m doing this to become famous, because I’m definitely not. I just don’t want to always live a boring life. The people to watch and read about, they’ve made big, scary, daring choices with their lives. And sometimes, that’s what it takes to have a different life, a better life.

Shouldn’t we all want to be different and do what makes our heart happy? Shouldn’t we want to learn and grow into the best version of ourselves?

Why I want to Travel in a Van

I just wanted to share my reasons why I want to travel in a van in hopes that it may encourage you to go out and do something different, be unique, and follow your dreams. 

You may not have the same goals and dreams as I do, and that’s great! Not everyone needs to be the same. I just want to be a source of encouragement for you. So go, go open that business, travel to that country, live that alternative lifestyle, create that content, whatever your heart desires.

Now, go live the life you want!

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2 Comments on 12 Reasons Why I Want to Travel in a Van

    • Thank you so much for following along on this journey! And Yes, of course I have to bring the pups with me and it will be nice to have something that is all mine 🙂 Thanks for reading!

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