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I travel a lot to visit family. I also have two Corgis and a cat that usually make the trip with me. I’ve had friends keep them a few times but for the most part, my pets travel with me. I always travel by vehicle since my trips to visit family are usually around 5 hours or less and although the trips are basically pretty short, there are three items that make the trip so much better for both me and the pets, specifically, the dogs.

A Seat Cover

If your dogs will be sitting in the back seat, a seat cover is a must have! We use one similar to this for our Corgis. I’m not sure how much you know about the Corgi breed but they shed, and they shed a lot! Having a seat cover makes cleaning out your vehicle so much easier! It not only makes it easier for cleaning out the dog hair, but sometimes accidents happen and your dog may use the back seat as a bathroom. This happened to us during a back to North Carolina and I couldn’t believe the seat cover kept the seat dry and it made clean up super easy! Not only will seat covers keep your actual back seat clean, it will also keep your dog from jumping into the front seats or climbing off the seat and into the floor if you have the hammock style cover.

A Seatbelt Leash

Some dogs however, will jump around in a vehicle no matter what. One of my Corgis gets a little too excited in the vehicle, especially when the trip first starts, so I purchased a seatbelt leash for both of my dogs. This device is like a short leash but one end clips into basically any seatbelt and the other end clips onto the dog’s collar just like a regular leash. Now, while I would like my dogs to be free from a leash while traveling, this seatbelt leash just makes it safer for everyone. Each dog has their own leash and we don’t have to worry about them jumping around or jumping into the front seat while we are driving or if we make a quick stop.

Travel Items for Dogs

A Water Bottle Designed for Pets

Usually, if we make a quick stop during out trip, we also make sure that our pets are doing well and give them water and a potty break if needed. For water, we use a bottle specifically made for pets. I seriously take this water bottle with me anytime I take the dogs somewhere. It’s great for them because it’s easy for them to drink out of and it’s portable. Both of my Corgis love it and use it often!

So the next time you plan a road trip and want to bring along the four legged family members, remember to pick up a seat cover, seatbelt leash, and a doggy water bottle to make everyone’s trip cleaner, safer, and happier!

dog travel

Do you have any other helpful tips or items for traveling with pets? Leave a comment below and let me know!

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