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Last year, for my husband’s 30th birthday, I decided to book a small, 5-hour fishing charter adventure. Our party consisted of five people, me and four guys, who had never been on a fishing charter boat before and therefore had no real experience of what to do or what to expect. I booked with a small company in Swansboro, North Carolina called, Nancy Lee Fishing Charters because they were small, local, and had good reviews. Other than looking at the fishing company’s website information, I didn’t exactly know what to expect or bring along with me so I was a little nervous about the experience ahead.

Fishing Charter Boat

After going on the 5-hour fishing charter, I learned that some of the items that I ended up bringing were a great idea and definitely a must for fishing charter adventures. However, there were some items that didn’t get used and should have been and some that I didn’t even bring and definitely should have brought along with me.

Now, I know that not every fishing charter will provide the same experience that I had but these 8 items, I’m positive, will help your fishing charter experience be a lot more enjoyable.

SNACKS. If the fishing charter company doesn’t provide food and allows you to bring your own, DO IT! You may need a little something to eat if you don’t feel good out on the water or you may just get hungry if you opted for a long fishing charter. Either way, you can’t go wrong with bringing a few snacks on any adventure. However, if you ultimately decide to forgo the snacks, definitely bring this next item.

WATER. Our fishing charter did not provide food or water therefore we had to bring our own. You need to bring water, especially if the day is hot and sunny like ours was, so you won’t become dehydrated and also just to quench your thirst. And if the weather is hot and sunny out, you not only need to be drinking water, you also need to be applying this next item.

SUNSCREEN. Simply put, sunscreen should always be an item you use when you are outside, especially on a hot, sunny day like it will most likely be when you go on your fishing charter. I didn’t use sunscreen and by the end of the fishing charter, my shoulders were nice and red, and they hurt. Just use it.

SUNGLASSES. Of course, if it’s not sunny on the day you go on your fishing charter, then they won’t be needed but sunglasses are an item I just always like to have handy, just in case.

HAIR TIES. Okay ladies, well, anyone with long hair really, on a fishing charter, you are going to most likely be catching fish left and right and it’s going to be a fast paced atmosphere. You don’t want your hair getting in your face and in the way. You also don’t want to be handling fish and bait and have to constantly move your hair out of the way with your dirty hands. Gross. So, just bring some hair ties.

Speaking of dirty hands, this next item is definitely a must.

HAND SANITIZER. As I mentioned above, you will be handling fish and bait during your fishing charter and I recommend trying to be a clean as you possibly can during it. The boat may provide a way to clean your hands but if not, it’s always good to have a backup plan. Therefore, bring some hand sanitizer just in case.

Fishing Charter Boat

SHOES WITH GRIP. This is where I failed at preparing for our fishing charter experience. I’m not sure why I thought wearing thin, little, Old Navy flip flops would be fine to wear out on a wet, slick boat. Take my advice and learn from my mistake. Wear shoes that have a nice grip on the bottom of them when you go on your fishing charter. There’s water, fish goo, and all kinds of slippery stuff on the boat floor when you’re out on the fishing boat and it’s best to not fall in it and possibly hurt yourself. I actually did slip but luckily, there was a ladder by me and I grabbed it before I went all the way down. Still, so embarrassing.

Not only do you not want to be the person who falls in front of everyone, you also don’t want to be the one who gets sick and has to vomit off the back of the boat. This last and very important item, will hopefully help you to not be that person.

DRAMAMINE. I was most nervous about getting sick during my first real experience with being out on the open ocean so I took every precaution I could. I didn’t eat anything that would upset my stomach, I didn’t drink any alcohol the night before, and I took Dramamine. I followed the instructions on the bottle and am happy to report that I did not get sick during my first fishing charter experience. I can’t say the same about some of the other members on our boat but there may have been some alcohol consumption the night before that led to them having to vomit off the back of the boat.

Fishing Charter Boat

My overall fishing charter experience was fun and I enjoyed doing something new. I am glad that I brought and used most of the items that I shared with you and I hope you take my advice and bring them along on your next fishing charter adventure.

Do you have anything else to add to the list? Comment and let me know!

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