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It’s been just over three months since I purchased and brought home my 1988 Ford E250 Camper Van. In those three months, I’ve learned a lot about fixing up an old RV. A lot of progress has been made on the camper van and there have been some setbacks as well. Here’s an update on what has happened since purchasing the camper van.

Update: Getting the Camper Van Home

The Camper Van Had to be Towed

If you’ve read the first blog post I wrote about the camper van, then you already know I had to have it towed from the location it had been sitting at to my home. Luckily, it was only about six miles from my house.

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Once I got it home however, things began to progress quickly with the camper van.

Update on Cleaning the Camper Van

Cleaning Out the Inside of the Camper Van

The day that the camper van was delivered to the house, I began working on it. I couldn’t stand it being right outside and not working on it. Together, my dad and I started cleaning up the inside of the van. It was full of junk. Everything from old tools to clothes, to trash, it was in the camper van.

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After simply cleaning it out, the van looked so much better! I was happy to see little damage to the actual interior structure of the camper van. There were no large holes in the walls or cabinets, no major tears in the cushions, and no missing parts. It was actually in pretty good shape for being an older vehicle that had sat for years.

Deep Cleaning the Inside of the Camper Van

Once the clutter that filled the camper van was gone, it was time to give it a really good, deep cleaning. It took days to clean the interior of the van but it was definitely worth it! I cleaned all the surfaces, inside the cabinets, the refrigerator, bathroom area, cushions, everything. I used several different products to clean the camper van.

Actually, I’ve even written a blog post solely about what I used to clean it and how. You can read it here!

Update on Painting the Interior of the Camper Van

Painting the Cabinets and Hardware

With the camper van decluttered and deep cleaned, it was time to finally begin transforming it into the van that I want! And the first step to doing that is painting it. Paint is such a simple way to update a space but can make a big difference.

My vision for the inside of the van is for it to be as light and airy as possible. So, I decided to paint the interior of the camper van white. I went to Lowes and purchased Valspar paint and primer in one similar to these.

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While there, I also bought some extra paint supplies as well like a small paint roller and paint brush. There was some Frogtape painter’s tape at home already so I used that as well.

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After lightly sanding the cabinet doors, I began painting them. I started realizing that the paint was not adhering to the cabinet doors and cabinets as it should. However, I didn’t want to purchase more paint and start over. I ended up putting three layers of paint on the cabinets and doors in the camper van instead.

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The painting process took a long time and I’m not 100 percent satisfied with the paint job that I did. However, I’m just going to see how it holds up and touch up the paint when needed. I did sand down some areas that I had painted to create a smoother surface. That did seem to help the look of the cabinets a bit.

Painting the Hardware

As I painted the cabinets, I was also painting the hardware for the cabinet doors. I initially ordered this matte black spray paint but the delivery of it was delayed so I just went to the store and purchased Miracal spray enamel in matte black instead.

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So far, I’m actually impressed with how the hardware has turned out! I am loving the look of the matte black.

Taking Down Loose Wallpaper

Next up on the list of things to paint inside of the camper van are the walls. The interior walls of the van have old wallpaper on them that was installed when the van was made. Its old and very sticky. However, some of it has separated from the wall.

After researching the best ways to paint RV walls, I decided to take down the wallpaper where it was separating from the wall and leave the wallpaper that was still sticking well.

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I used an X-acto knife to cut those loose pieces away.

Now that the loose wallpaper is gone, my next step will be to sand down the walls. That will make them smooth and ready for paint. For the walls, I’ll be using something a little different, since I wasn’t happy with the paint job I did on the cabinets.

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When I purchased paint for the interior for the first time, I forgot about a special bonding primer that is used for surfaces that is difficult for paint to adhere to. So, for the walls, I will be purchasing a bonding primer similar to these. Then, I will paint the walls white, like the cabinets.

Finding Water Damage

While cutting the loose pieces of wallpaper off of the walls, I discovered some water damage over the cab and in the sleeping area.

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I haven’t fixed the damage yet but of course, that is something else that has been added to the to-do list for the van.

Update on the Camper Van Décor

Taking Out the Old Bed Cushions

Above the cab in the camper van, there is a sleeping area. The area actually extends out and makes into a bed. When we removed the old bed cushions (they were so old and disintegrating), I discovered that the wooden floor panels are old and dirty. Those will definitely need to be replaced at some point.

I will also be replacing the cushions for the bed. However, I may end up using the area over the cab as a storage place instead.

I haven’t decided yet.

I Found Curtains for the Camper Van

Now, I told myself not to buy too many decorative items for the camper van yet. I mean, it’s still currently up on ramps in the backyard and not running properly yet. However, sometimes, you just have to buy things when you stumble upon them. Otherwise, it may not be there later on.

One day, as I was looking around my local Dollar General, I found a beautiful, simple table cloth. It was white with little dotted lines and the fabric was nice as well. I instantly thought that it would make a perfect curtain for the camper van! There are three curtains that help separate different parts of the van, if needed. I was actually okay with keeping the ones that came with it, even though they are old and I knew I’d replace them someday.

However, I didn’t want to miss out on this fabric so I bought up enough table cloths to make curtains. Now I am currently having the table cloths made into curtains by a very talented and sweet lady. I haven’t seen them yet but I know they are going to look awesome!

I Bought Dishes for the Camper Van

Then, a while back, I was at Walmart doing some shopping. While in the seasonal area of the kitchen section, I spotted some plastic cups, plates, and bowls that all matched. I had just gotten the camper van home so I decided it was too soon to purchase dishes for it.

Fast forward to about two weeks ago, when I was in Walmart again (I had avoided it for months because of the Covid-19). I found the plastic dishes once again and decided to go ahead and purchase them. They are dish washer and microwave safe and each piece was only 50 cents!

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I actually have nice, white dishes I’d like to use. But, because I will be traveling and driving the camper van often though, I wanted to go with something more durable and not won’t break easily if it falls out of the cabinets. Plus, if something does happen to any of the dishes, I won’t be out of too much money. Hopefully, I can easily replace any dishes I need to as well. I also found lots of other options like these on Amazon.

So, I now have four bowls, four plates, and four large cups that are all matching for the camper van! And it only cost me six dollars, ha!

I have wooden bowls for the van as well. Last year, I stopped at an estate sale and found three wooden bowls that are in great condition! I’m going for a simple, Scandinavian look in the van so I’m always on the hunt for nice, wooden décor pieces. The wooden bowls I found are perfect! However, I also found found some amazing wooden bowl options on Amazon!

camper van update

Update on the Camper Van Mechanical Issues

I Found out that all exterior lights work, as well as radio, windows, etc.

Now that the camper van is home, my dad and sister’s boyfriend have been tinkering with it to see what exactly needs to be fixed to make it a safe, reliable vehicle.

We have figured out that all of the exterior lights are working great as well as the power windows. And although the radio is very old in the camper van, it works too! Having all of those parts of the van working is a major plus.

Up On Ramps – No Real Damage Underneath

After checking under the hood and seeing all the exterior, electrical parts working, my dad decided to put the camper van on ramps in order to check underneath it.

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Once the van was on ramps, he was able to see if there was any damage. Luckily, it looks good under the van. There’s just regular wear and tear.

The Camper Van Needs a Fuel Pump

Although things are looking good underneath the van, once my dad placed the camper van on the ramps, he was able to further check the fuel lines. He than began to figure out the cause of the van not running well.

After taking off the rear gas tank (the van has two gas tanks), he found that the fuel pump in it is bad. The other fuel pump in the front tank will likely need to be replaced as well. That tank hasn’t been removed yet though. It’s unfortunate that it has to be replaced but at least now we know why the camper van isn’t running correctly.

I believe that is all of the updates on the camper van for now. However, be sure to come back for more updates as I continue to fix it up!

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Hopefully, with a new fuel pump, some minor mechanical fixes, a bit more paint and décor, and the continued support of family and friends, this camper van will be up and running great soon! 

I cannot wait to get her on the road and share the experience with you!

If you want to read about how and why I choose to even travel in a camper van, then check out this blog post!

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