Taking better care of the environment is a popular trend right now. And I’m all for it. I hope that it’ll become more than a trend and that it will become just part of our daily lives. And finally, we are seeing the negative effects that plastic has on the earth. This doesn’t mean that we necessarily have to make drastic changes to our lives though. No, for me, I decided to make simple changes. One change is in how I wash my hair. I figured I could easily cut down on plastic in that area. So I decided to try shampoo bars for the first time. Here’s my experience.

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Why Use Shampoo Bars?

I first saw a woman that I follow on Instagram share her story and results from using an all-natural shampoo bar. She initially got me interested in the idea of using one so I began to do a little research on them. Then I decided to just experiment and see what happened.

Other reasons that I decided to make the switch to a shampoo bar from traditional shampoo and conditioner bottles were, one, I wanted to reduce my use of plastic. This is my tiny way of trying to help care for the planet.

I also wanted to find a cheaper solution for washing my hair and I figured that buying a shampoo bar would last longer and be cheaper.

Another reason for making the switch and using a shampoo bar was because I wanted natural ingredients in my hair. I no longer wanted my hair filled with chemicals that again, aren’t great for hair or the environment.

The Shampoo Bar I’m Using

So now you’re probably wondering which shampoo bar I decided to use. Well, for me, I like to try to shop local and support small businesses. The woman from Instagram that initially sparked my interest in shampoo bars uses bars from Ava Quinns. This is a small business that specializes in all-natural hair and body products. At first, I was going to try out their products but decided to purchase from a small business that was local to me.

Shampoo Bar

Mule Hell Trading Company is a small business in my area that also specializes in all-natural hair and body products as well. I’ve used their body wash, lotions, and lip balms before so I am familiar with their products. I sort of assumed that they sold all-natural shampoo bars so I asked my sister (who was going to be near the Mule Hell Trading Company’s store) to pick me up a shampoo bar to try out.

She came home with two bars that looked like soap.

My sister explained that she had asked about the shampoo bars at the store and the owner had said that although these bars weren’t technically “shampoo bars”, these were the ones that she recommends to people who ask her for them. I guess what I use isn’t labeled as a “shampoo bar” but is essentially the same thing. So I decided to give them a shot!

Shampoo Bar

Now, this is just the company that I decided to go with. There are absolutely other businesses that offer all-natural shampoo bars. They can even be found on Amazon! I would suggest buying a few and see which ones are the best for your hair.

My First Thoughts on Using a Shampoo Bar

When I used the shampoo bar from Mule Hell Trading Company, I just wet it and lathered it directly onto my scalp and into my hair. It felt odd to do it because I’m so used to squeezing liquid shampoo from a bottle. However, I continued lathering it until I felt I had covered my hair.

The soap, or shampoo, didn’t feel bad as massaged it into my hair. As I rinsed it out though, I could feel that it wasn’t that soft. From research, I know that there is a “transition period” when you first start using shampoo bars so I knew my hair would feel different.

When I towel dried my hair, I could really feel a difference, and not a good one.

I knew I wouldn’t be able to even get a brush through my hair. I was right. Even once it was dry (after blow-drying it), it was difficult to get a brush through my hair. The thought that I had to keep in my head was that this was my first time ever using all-natural ingredients in my hair and a shampoo bar. I couldn’t give up on the first try.

Every time that I washed my hair, I used the shampoo bar. Gradually, my hair became somewhat softer and I could now get a brush through my hair. I still wasn’t completely sure about shampoo bars though. However, the real game changer for my hair was this simple product. I decided to try it on my hair after conducting a little more research on shampoo bars. Now my hair is soft and I can easily brush it out without using chemical-filled products on my hair.

After One Month of Use

My hair still isn’t exactly where I want it, after using a shampoo bar on it for a month. It’s still not very soft if I only use the shampoo bar. I feel as though I need to give my hair a bit more time to adjust to the natural products I’m putting on it now. I still use an apple cider vinegar rinse on my hair as well and that does help to soften it.

One uncertainty that I had with using a shampoo bar was how it would affect my hair when I colored it.

What I noticed with my hair, was that the hair dye that I use, has taken to my hair slightly better, now that I’m using an all-natural shampoo bar. It’s also closer matched to how the hair color looks on the packaging.

I recently learned that when we color our hair, the chemicals that we are putting into it from shampoos, conditioners, etc. are basically blocking the dye from reaching the hair. When there are no chemicals blocking the dye, the dye is able to take better to the hair. So, it makes sense that my hair color is looking better!

Will I continue to use Shampoo bars?

In short, yes, I will continue to use an all-natural shampoo bar. The long-term effects of using one on my hair is something I would like to see. I have and will continue to experiment with Mule Hell Trading Company’s products.

Actually, I just bought this bar because it has basically the same ingredients as the one suggested to me and it smells amazing!

Shampoo Bar

I also discovered this shampoo bar and want to give it a try as well.

That is the thing with using shampoo bars, it will take time for your hair to adjust to having no harsh chemicals on it anymore. If you decide to use one, don’t give up too quickly.

I also like the fact that I’m reducing my use of plastic and I’ve found that it’s cheaper than traditional shampoo and conditioner. That makes continuing the use of shampoo bars an easy decision as well.

Tips For Using a Shampoo Bar

Since using a shampoo bar for a while, I’ve learned some tips and tricks. I want to share a few with you, so hopefully your experience will be a positive one, if you choose to use them too.

  • If I was starting over with using a shampoo bar, I would ease my hair into the transition. Start by using the shampoo bar and a small amount of conditioner so that you can at least get a brush through your hair. Keep reducing the amount of conditioner you use until you don’t need it anymore.
  • After stopping the use of conditioner, if you still feel that your hair isn’t as soft as you want it, use an apple cider vinegar rinse after using the shampoo bar. This will help soften and balance the natural pH level of your hair. Just use caution when using vinegar on your hair. It can sometimes dry it out and lead to breakage.
  • Use shampoo bars for you body. This can cut down on cost and plastic use even more! I actually do this with my shampoo bars. However, you will go through the bars faster, so just keep that in mind.
  • Store shampoo bars in a dry place. I have failed to do this but it is something that you will want to do to prolong the use of the shampoo bar. It is recommended to not leave the bar in the shower. Instead, place it somewhere dry and that allows the shampoo bar to completely dry between uses. I just bought these wooden soap dishes to place mine on. Plus, they come with a Soap Exfoliating Bag Natural Soap Saver!
  • Check ingredients and buy from small businesses. If you want the shampoo bar you use to contain all-natural ingredients, ask the makers and/or check the labels. Small business owners take pride in their products and are happy to answer any questions you have. However, if you can’t find any local sellers, Amazon is an alternative place to purchase shampoo bars. Just be sure to check the ingredients.

By now, I hope that I have given you a better insight on shampoo bars from my personal experience with using them.

I try to be as honest and open as possible with any product I review because I want to help you make the right decision for yourself.

If you’ve decided to start using shampoo bars, I’d love to know! And if you are already using them, how was your experience? Are you still using them?

If you have any questions or comments, just leave them below or feel free to email me at briandayle@yahoo.com.

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